I highly recommend that you sign up for this program.
HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, shlit"a, Rabbinical Advisor of the Kinyan Hilchos Issur vHeter Program
First Shiur is on August 21st
How a Ben Torah Can Gain Mastery of Hilchos Issur v'Heter  and Get Smicha
  • This is a structured online program for avreichim and working Bnei Torah 
  • Its ​based on Rav Yitzchak Berkovits’s famous Smicha curriculum
  • Very useful for one's life and family to feel that the husband and father has learnt these halachos and can answer questions that come up all the time
  • ​Sources are from the Gemara through to the modern poskim with clear explanations both in Hebrew and in English
  • Option to be part of an online chabura with a weekly Zoom shiur (or to do it at one's own pace)
  • ​One can create or join a local chaburah in one's shul or community 
  • ​Join over 1000 talmidim from six continents have participated in our programs
  • ​Smicha from Kinyan Hilchos Issur v'Heter Program
For more information, tuition and application 
please fill out the form below
We will not spam, rent or sell your information.
HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, shlit"a, 
Rabbinical Advisor of the Kinyan Hilchos Issur vHeter Program
"I would love to sit in Yeshiva half a day, but I have different hours. For me, as a dentist, Rabbi Gefen's program allowed for the flexibility I needed. I’d always do Daf Yomi for many years, but always off and on. So I was looking for something with some structure and with an end goal. The program enabled me to not only learn, but to retain what I learned in a structured way and the tests were very helpful. I felt like I accomplished something, I made a kinyan on something. I felt finally: I know it, I took a part of Torah and I was konei it. The material it covers starts from Gemara and Rishonim and brings it down to the Halacha l'Maisa. It's great. I feel like I know what's going on. The kids also see what the father is doing and it sets the tone for what's important in the family. Believe it or not, it has hashpah on many other areas."
Dr. Eric Leibowitz
Brooklyn NY

"Rabbi Gefen ran his program for our Kollel in Johannesburg. We achieved tremendous clarity both in sugyas and in psak which is what you want when you learn Halacha. It is an excellent, well designed, and thorough program with a lot of support. I highly recommend it."
Rabbi Micha Kaplan
Avrech = Maharsha Community Kollel 
Menahel- Maharsha Boys High School
Johannesburg, South Africa

I spent some time searching for a program which combines the flexibility to learn at your own pace and in your own time with a high level of learning which would normally only be found in a Yeshiva or Kollel environment. The supporting material (in Hebrew and English) is excellent and my questions on the sugyas were always answered in a responsive and prompt fashion. For people like me who are working full-time, this program was ideal. I benchmarked the course against the syllabus required for the Smicha exams of the Rabbanut and found that it was at least as comprehensive and often required more detail. There are chiddushim in every shiur. The  Smicha course transported my learning to a completely different level. In my experience, it is unique and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Shlomo Gross
Yerushalayim (originally from London)
Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen grew up in London. He never imagined becoming a Rabbi, and certainly did not see himself as someone teaching Torah to hundreds of people worldwide.  Yet, after twenty years of intensive learning, Rabbi Gefen found his calling as a disseminator of Halacha, with particular focus on the wide-ranging and highly relevant halachos of Shabbos, Bein Adam L'Chaveiro and now Issur v'Heter.  It is impossible to properly keep halacha properly without having a thorough knowledge of its myriad laws in a succinct manageable way.  Yet how can busy Avrech or a working Ben Torah find the time to grasp halacha at an appropriate level?
Rabbi Gefen is a very close student of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits shlit’a and was a Rosh Chabura in his famed Kollel for over eight years. In his time in the Kollel, Rabbi Gefen developed a deep understanding of halacha beginning with the Gemara sources, going through the gamut of Rishonim and Acharonim, and reaching the practical halacha. Using Rav Berkovits’ tremendous source sheets and with his haskama and encouragement, Rabbi Gefen took on the monumental task of translating these sheets into English, adding the main opinions of the Poskim. In this way, a busy working Ben Torah or an avrech with limited time, using both Hebrew and English materials, can learn halacha with all the relevant sources, and has the possibility of attaining a Semicha. Over 1000 current participants and alumni can testify to the inestimable value of our courses, and how it has a tremendous positive effect not only on themselves but on their entire families.
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